FIX: ‘Threat Service Has Stopped’ In Windows Security !!

Windows Defender This Program Is Blocked by Group Policy Error 0x800704ec

Immediate Helpline : +1-619-488-1229(Security Support)


Microsoft Windows Security

Safety at a glance

Check what is happening to the safety and health of your device and take all necessary measures.

Microsoft Windows Security

Virus and threat protection

Device protection against threats.

+1-619-488-1229(Free Security)

Microsoft Windows Security - Spyware Alert

** Microsoft Windows is infected with Trojan:SLocker **

A critical error has occurred due to the outdated version of the browser. Update your browser as soon as possible.

The following errors are also possible on outdated versions of the browser:

A Microsoft Windows Security scan has detected potentially unwanted adware on this device that can steal passwords, online identities, financial information, personal files, images, or documents.

Please contact us immediately so that our engineer can explain the removal process over the phone.

Please contact Microsoft Windows Support immediately to report this threat, prevent spoofing, and unlock access to this device.

Closing this Microsoft Windows puts your personal information at risk and interrupts your Microsoft Windows registration.

Call Microsoft Windows Support +1-619-488-1229(Microsoft USA)

(5) Virus/Malware infections have been recognized on your device.
Microsoft_Windows_Firewall_Alert !
Computer contaminated with Trojan-type spyware
(Error_Code: #2BAGZTQJ)
Your personal data, banking information and web login credentials saved on this PC are at risk due to a major security breach.
Call Microsoft_Windows_Support: +1-619-488-1229(Helpline USA)

Your Microsoft Windows PC has been infected with trojan.slocker virus/malware. This type of virus/malware is commonly known to hijack financial information for ransom or use the stolen information directly for theft. This infection needs to be removed immediately. You must contact Microsoft USA: +1-619-488-1229(Tollfree)


Windows Support

+1-619-488-1229(USA Head Office)